Ko te Aroha logo

Children's Centre

A place where Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga and Ātuatanga are visible in every aspect of the centre.

Contact Us

Welcome to our website.

Our children’s centre is a small (licensed for 30 tamariki) community based, mixed age centre  where aroha is the first language, where everything we do has a foundation of respect, kindness and inclusion.  This is a place where children feel safe, happy and valued, where their curiosity is embraced.

Our dedicated, passionate and nurturing staff are committed to providing positive guidance and stimulating experiences based on your child’s needs and interests.

Every child is a taonga and we are acutely aware of the responsibility and privilege we have to be part of tamariki’s early childhood education.  It is our goal, that when the time comes for tamariki to transition to primary school, that they leave us believing in their own mana and with a love of learning.

Please take a look around our website, enjoy the photos and contact us if you have any questions. We have an open door policy, you are welcome pop in and visit the centre, meet the team, see the tamariki at work, and feel the wairua of Ko Te Aroha.


What Our Families are Saying

Honestly so grateful we found you guys.  KTA is so awesome.

I’m so appreciative of how kind and caring you guys are with him, such a great environment

It takes a special kind of teacher to build the relationship like the one all 3 of my boys have with you!

Love that you guys are so supportive of us mums who didn’t have an inclusive upbringing

So lucky to have you guys support our sons learning journey, arohanui kia koutou

The staff have gone above and beyond to support our girl during her hard time as a young child.  It’s been her safe and wellbeing place, when she didn’t have one.  Thanks so much