Our People
An inclusive environment that strives to promote and uphold Wairarapatanga & culturally responsive teaching practices.

Ko te Aroha Children’s Centre Staff

Terry Hodder
Ko Hikurangi te maunga
Ko waiapu te awa
Ko Ngāti Porou te iwi
Ko Lachie raua ko Mia ōku tamariki
Ko Terry Hodder (nee Tibble) tōku ingoa
I am the Manager of the Ko te Aroha Trust and work full time.

Braidie Heberley
Ko Tokumaru te waka
Ko Taranaki te maunga
Ko Te Herekawe te Awa
Ko Ngāmotu te marae
Ko Ngāti te whiti te hāpu
Ko Te Atiawa te iwi
Ko Shilo raua ko Willo oku tamahine
Ko Braidie Hebery toku ingoa
I am the Centre Lead and work full time.

Jasmine Robens
Ko Rangitumau te maunga
Ko Rumahanga te awa
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu, ko Rangitāne, ko Kai Tahu ōku iwi
Ko Te Oreore te marae
Ko Ngāti Te Korou te hapū
Ko Jasmine Robens tōku ingoa
I have a Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education), I work full time and am the Second in Charge in the Centre.

Nikyta Fabling-Clifton
Nō Paetumōkai ahau engari e noho ana ahau i Whakaoriori inaianei
Ko Takitimu tōku waka
Ko whapapunake te maunga tōku maunga
Ko porangahau tōku awa
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu tōku iwi
I have a Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) and work full time at KTA

Chelsea Neumann
Ko Marotiri te maunga
Ko Mangāhauini te awa
Ko Horouta te waka
Ko Ruataupare te hapū
Ko Ngāti Porou, ki Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Tuatini te marae
Ko Chelsea Newmann tōku ingoa
I am in the final stages of completing my Bachelor of Education (ECE) and work 5 days per week here at KTA

Catherine Walker
Tenā koutou katoa
Ko Mark tōku hoa tane
Ko Grayson tāku tama
Ko Ella raua ko Fryea āku tamahine
Ko Catherine tāku ingoa
I have a Bachelor of Teaching Early Childhood Education and currently work part-time at KTA

Natalie Stuart
Ko Tararua te maunga e rū nei taku ngākau
Ko Ruamahunga te awa e mahea nei aku māharahara
Nō Whakaoriori ahau
E mihi ana ki ngā tohu o nehe, o Rangitane ke ngati Kahungungu e noho nei au
Ko Natalie Stuart toku ingoa
I am currently in the final year of my study towards a degree in Early Childhood Education and I work at KTA 2 days per week

Isabel Todd
Ko Maungatautiri toku maunga
Ko Waikato toku awa
Ko Tainui toku waka
Ko Ngati Koriki to iwi
Ko pohara Pa toku marae
Nō Tokoroa ahau
Ko Wehipeihana me Paraone oku whanau
Ko Ngati Raukawa toku matua
Ko tanui toku whaea
Ko Isabel Todd toku ingoa
Kei Masterton ahau e noho ana.
I one of the Kitchen Kaimahi, and hold an NZQA certificate in Food Safety. I work here at KTA 3 days per week.

Judy Heberley
Ko Rangitumau te maunga
Ko Ruamahunga te awa
Ko ngati Pakeha te iwi
Ko Heberley te hapu
Ko Ko te Aroha te marae Kura
Ko Judy toku ingoa
I one of the Kitchen Kaimahi and work here at KTA 2 days per week.

Waydene Kinnear
Ko Table Mountain te maunga
Ko Esrste te awa
Ko Cape Coloured te iwi
Ko Reformed Church te whare karakia
No Cape Town āhau engari e noho ana ahau i Whakaoriori inaianei
Ko Hannah raua ko Malachi ōku tamariki
Ko Waydene Kinnear ahau
I am the Adminstrator here at KTA and work 3 days per week

Maura Marron
Ko Rangitumau te maunga
Ko Ruamahunga te awa
Ko ngati Pakeha te iwi
Ko Marron te hapu
Ko Ko te Aroha te marae Kura
Ko Maura toku ingoa
I work remotely as the Finance Manager for KTA and am a member of the Board of Trustees.